虽然我们不能保护你免遭身份盗用, identity restoration insurance can help make restoring your financial state less painful 和 costly.
This protection – costing just $25 per year – can be added to your State Farm® home, 租房者, condominium, manufactured home, or farm policy. 它包括你、你的配偶和亲戚
We offer two options for protection depending on your current policy 和 the location of your insured property.
- Cyber Event, 身份恢复, 和 欺诈 Loss coverage (CEIDR) is the option 房主, condo unitowners 和 租房者 policy holders in all states except N.C. It is also available for 生产家 policies in some states. pp王者电子官网范围包括:
- 网络攻击覆盖率
- 网络勒索覆盖范围
- 身份恢复包括案件管理服务
- 或有信用监测
- 欺诈损失pp王者电子官网
- 身份恢复覆盖率(IDR) 在N可用。.C. 房主, condo unitowners 和 租房者 policy holders 和 in all states for farm/ranch policies. It is also available in some states for 生产家 policies. This coverage does not include the cyber protection 和 fraud loss coverage, but does include:
- 身份恢复案例管理服务
- 身份欺诈费用报销
State Farm offers coverage to better protect your personal identity if you have an identity fraud case or are a victim of a cyber attack. We even provide coverage if you’re responsible for an elderly parent 和 have power of attorney. 各种pp王者电子官网的年综合pp王者电子官网限额为15美元,000美元,只适用于房主, 租房者 & condo-unit所有者.1
Pays for data recovery 和 system restoration costs as the direct result of a cyber attack involving a computing device.
Pays for professional assistance from an expert 和 response costs for an insured who has experienced a cyber extortion event. A cyber extortion event includes a dem和 for money to restore access or functionality, 或者是对破坏的威胁, 禁用, 拒绝访问或分发内容.
If you have been a victim of a fraud event, fraud loss coverage helps you in a couple of ways.
- 补充不包括在你的房主政策, which may already cover limited credit card 和 debit fraud, 检查伪造和伪造的现金.
- Provides coverage for financial loss arising from a wide range of frauds. 其中包括身份欺诈, 各种各样的欺诈行为, as well as intentional 和 criminal deception to induce you to part voluntarily with something of value.
- Offers contingent credit monitoring service for those who suffer loss or theft of a purse or billfold, 一台电脑, 或者纸质记录.
If you experience identity theft, 在这里’s how State Farm can help
If you're a victim of identity theft while carrying State Farm 身份恢复 pp王者电子官网, we will go a step further as you attempt to recover your credit. In addition to expense reimbursement that many insurers cover, we'll also assign a case manager.
直接与你的信用卡公司合作, 信用机构, 债权人, 和 other financial institutions for up to one full year for a covered incident.
显示身份被盗后该怎么做, 和 includes examples of letters to send to 债权人 和 信用机构, as well as other useful information to aid with the identity restoration process.
除了指派一名案件经理,任期长达一年, 我们最多可赔偿你50美元,000 for necessary 和 reasonable expenses incurred to restore your identity.3
- Refiling applications for loans or other credit instruments
- 信用机构的信用报告
- Notarizing affidavits, postage, 和 long-distance phone calls
- Costs incurred by an insured person to recover control of his or her personal identity
- Fees from financial institutions resulting from the identity fraud
- 经认可的律师收取的费用2
- 被pp王者电子官网人实际损失工资
- Defend against civil suits brought against a covered individual
- Remove civil judgments wrongfully entered against a covered individual
- Assist at audits or hearings conducted by governmental agencies
- Challenge the accuracy of a covered individual's credit report
- Defend against criminal charges arising from third parties using the personal identity of an insured person
Identity restoration 和 fraud loss coverage may not be available in all states. This information contains only a general description of available coverages 和 is not a statement of contract. 排除和限制可能适用. All coverages are subject to all policy provisions 和 applicable endorsements. 欲了解更多信息,请咨询您的州立农场代理
State Farm (including State Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates) is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any 第三方网站s hyperlinked from this page. 州立农业pp王者电子官网公司无权改变, 更新, 或控制超链接上的内容, 第三方网站. 访问第三方网站的风险由用户自行承担, is being provided for informational purposes only 和 is not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such 第三方网站s.