为什么选择State Farm® for an annuity — financial strength
An annuity contract is only as good as the insurer's ability to pay. State Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company 和 State Farm 生活 和 Accident Assurance Company (licensed in New York 和 Wisconsin) have always been able to back up contract promises. When purchasing an annuity, financial strength is an important consideration point because an annuity contract is only as good as the company's ability to pay. The premium dollars we collect are invested using a conservative strategy geared for the long term. Using this conservative investment strategy we are well positioned to meet the financial commitments that we have made to our customers.
We've earned top financial strength 和 performance ratings
State Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company 和 State Farm 生活 和 Accident Assurance Company (licensed in NY 和 WI) are wholly owned subsidiaries of State Farm Mutual. Major ratings agencies such as A.M. 最好的, 穆迪, 和 St和ard 和 Poor's have consistently awarded State Farm top scores for financial stability 和 claims paying ability.
Our experience is built on sound, time-tested approaches
State Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company has been offering life insurance for well over 80 years. We've helped our policyholders protect their loved ones' financial futures. When it comes to your retirement, that's the kind of experience 和 security you expect.
Annuity products to meet your needs
Good neighbor service
State Farm was built on face-to-face Good Neighbor service. Today, with more than 64 million policies, we still believe in the agent 和 customer relationship.
Neither State Farm® nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.
Please consult your tax, legal, or investment advisor regarding your specific circumstances.
This is a general description of coverage. A complete statement of coverage is found only in the policy.
Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing State Farm life insurance company.
pp王者电子官网 policies 和/or associated riders 和 features may not be available in all states, 和 policy terms 和 conditions may vary by state.
Securities are not FDIC insured, are not bank guaranteed 和 are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal.
Each State Farm insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products.
State Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company (Not licensed in MA, NY, or WI)
State Farm 生活 和 Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY 和 WI)